02 Juli 2006

And Baby,

don't forget to catch me Don't forget to catch me Don't forget to catch me Hold on princess don't you think that it's time On this platform with the drizzle in my eye And Baby, don't forget to catch me Don't forget to catch me Don't forget to catch me Hold on princess don't you think that it's time The ticket's in my hand, the train pulls down the line np: Bandits - Catch me Schwirrt mir seit gestern im Kopf rum - hmm - komisch... Denken ist töricht. Fühlen auch.


At 7/02/2006 01:54:00 PM, Blogger Schaf said...

Schönes Lied - hoffe ich krieg jetzt vllt. den '54, '74, '90, 2006 - Ohrwurm aus'm Kopf ;)


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